Determining working length, or how to locate the apical terminus (Part 2)

Gepubliceerd op 18 januari 2017 om 10:29

Authors_Prof Vladimir Ivanovic & Dr Katarina Beljic-Ivanovic, Serbia

We would like to start the second part of our article with a quotation: “Adequate radiographs, knowledge of anatomy, and tactile sense and not apex lo cators will help to determine apical constriction.We found this statement provocative enough to give electronic locators a chance. As is well known, apex locators actually locate the foramen and not the root apex. As the foramen is usually not on the root apex, the term electronic foramen locators (EFLs) is more accurate. Electronic rootcanal length measuring devices or similar descriptive terms are also incorrect, since the root-canal length does not appear on a display, particularly not in some standardised units. 

More information:

Roots Research working length

Bron: Roots 2010